Tier 2 Staking Rewards Overview

This tier is for those who stake more than 300,000 $R4RE tokens and will gain an additional benefit to Tier 1.

Earn an amount equivalent to 10% of the profits from RareArt's physical business operations, creating a direct link between digital engagement and physical business success.

1. Profit Sharing from RareArt’s Physical Business

  • Mechanism: Participants in Tier 2 qualify to earn a share equivalent to 10% of the profits generated by RareArt's physical business operations. This innovative approach creates a tangible connection between the digital and physical realms of RareArt's business model.

  • Distribution: The profit share is calculated and distributed periodically (e.g., quarterly or annually) among Tier 2 stakers. The distribution is proportional to the amount of $R4RE tokens each participant has staked within this tier, ensuring equity and fairness in rewards.

  • Benefit: This reward mechanism offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders to benefit directly from the success of RareArt's physical business ventures, aligning stakeholder interests with the overall growth and profitability of the project.

How to Participate in Tier 2 Staking

  1. Eligibility and Staking: To enter Tier 2, stakeholders must stake more than 300,000 $R4RE tokens. Through the RareArt platform’s staking interface, users can lock in their tokens, transitioning from Tier 1 to Tier 2 once the threshold is surpassed.

  2. Monitoring and Managing Rewards: Stakeholders can track their share of the profit from RareArt's physical business and manage their stakes through the platform's dedicated dashboard. This includes viewing upcoming distributions and adjusting stake amounts as desired.

  3. Engagement and Growth: Tier 2 stakeholders are encouraged to engage with the community and participate in governance or feedback opportunities, contributing to the project's direction and success.

Key Benefits

  • Direct Financial Incentive: Receive a direct share of the profits from RareArt's physical business, linking your digital investment to real-world financial outcomes.

  • Significant Contribution Recognition: Tier 2 acknowledges and rewards the substantial contributions of its major stakeholders, offering a higher level of engagement and reward.

  • Long-term Growth Alignment: By tying rewards to the project's physical business success, stakeholders are incentivized to support and promote the long-term growth and sustainability of the RareArt ecosystem.

Last updated