$R4RE Token Overview

  • Name: R4RE

  • Ticker: $R4RE

  • Standard: ERC-20

  • Buy Tax: 6%

  • Sell Tax: 6%

  • Supply: 100 000 000

Functionality and utilities:

  • Main Function: Powers the entire RareUniverse ecosystem, acting as the foundational token to access utilities and rewards.

  • Ecosystem Transactions: Used for buying, selling, and trading within the RareUniverse, from artwork to experiences.

  • Discounts: Offers price reductions on purchases made within RareArt. This is designed to boost transaction taxes, and, in turn, raise rewards for stakers.

Rewards and Incentives:

  • Staking Rewards: Stake $R4RE to earn Staking, encouraging long-term holding and ecosystem engagement.

  • Revenue Sharing: An equivalent the profits from RareArt sales is distributed to $R4RE token stakers Tier 2 Rewards, aligning interests between the platform and its users.

$R4RE is designed to be at the core of RareUniverse, facilitating a vibrant, interactive art marketplace and community.

Tax Distribution

  • Rare Treasury: 3%

  • Staking Rewards: 3% as LP adds used for rewards.

Last updated