$GALIX Token Overview

  • Name: GALIX

  • Ticker: $GALIX

  • Standard: ERC-20

  • Total Supply: 100 000 000

What It Does

$GALIX is a utility token for anyone in the Rare community. Use it to buy cool stuff like art and merchandise, or get into exclusive events. It’s named after our anonymous artist and a mascot and is all about mixing digital with real-world art and experiences.

How to Get It

  • Staking $R4RE: Lock up your $R4RE tokens, and you'll start accumulating $GALIX tokens in return. The more $R4RE you stake, the more $GALIX you earn.

  • Winning Games: Join in on community games and challenges. Win these, and you’ll score some $GALIX tokens.

Spending $GALIX

  • Buying Stuff: Use your $GALIX tokens to grab exclusive physical artworks, plus other merchandise.

  • Rare ARTefact: Special items up for grabs with $GALIX. Once someone buys it, we reveal a new one. First come, first served!

  • Experiences: Use $GALIX to access unique real-world and digital experiences we've set up for you.

Why It’s Cool

$GALIX isn’t just another token. It’s your ticket to a community where art meets the digital age in fun, engaging ways. Earn it, spend it, trade it – it’s all about getting more from your RareArt experience.

More details about the $GALIX token will be announced as it becomes available and how to start earning it soon.

Last updated